

Current Worship

Please join us for services at 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM each Sunday in person. 10:00 AM services are often streamed on our Youtube page

The bulletins for each service are linked in the description box of each live stream and are typically included in our weekly newsletter. Please email the office at office@christchurchwaltham.org (or use the sign-up form on the home page of our website) to sign up to receive our newsletter and parish updates.

Our past services are available on our Youtube channel. Please feel free to leave any comments and thoughts on the content of the service there. We appreciate all of the support, connection, and participation that these virtual services have provided us with during this time!


Worship Services

8:30 am Holy Eucharist: An intimate, quiet service.
10:00 am Choral Holy Eucharist: Our main worship service, with children’s programs during the service for toddlers through grade 8.

Please note: During the summer (Sundays in July and August) there is only one service at 9:30. 

Welcome, children!

Children and infants (including all their shrieks and gurgles) are warmly welcomed at Christ Church. During the school year, Godly Play Sunday school is available downstairs during the service for Pre-K through grade 3; an adjacent space hosts the toddlers. Older kids meet upstairs in the youth room twice a month. All the children join us for communion. Throughout the year, we celebrate children’s Sundays on the first Sunday of each month, when families worship together and there is a special sermon for kids.


The restrooms are located downstairs. Go through the doors on the left side of the front of the church and take an immediate right to go downstairs. Take another right at the foot of the stairs and go down the hallway. There is also a handicap accessible restroom with a changing table near the choir room, through the doors at the front of the church.

Recent Sermons