St Peter’s Ugandan Anglican Church
Christ Church has rented space at 750 Main Street to the Congregation of St Peter’s Ugandan Anglican Church since 2006. St. Peter’s began on the 25th of December, 2006 after a group of Ugandans in Boston, led by Mr. Israel Iga, convened for Christmas worship. St Peter’s worships in Luganda (the language predominant around the capital city, Kampala) and maintains the Anglican Church of Uganda tradition from which it draws most of its liturgy and form of worship. It uses the Anglican Church of Uganda prayer book, based on the 1662 Anglican Book of Common Prayer.In November 2017, St Peter’s became a Mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. We are happy to be renting space and praying for and with our sister parish!
St Peter’s shares Holy Communion on the last Sunday of every month, as is the tradition in Uganda. All are welcome to join for St Peter’s beautiful music and liturgy! Services are every Sunday at 12:30 pm. We come together for parish clean up days and occasional bilingual services.
St. Peter’s Mission
To preach the word of God by thought, word and deed, espouse love and co-operation among all Ugandans and well wishers regardless of their gender, tribe, race, language, social status or origin, while maintaining the Ugandan culture and the Anglican Church of Uganda tradition in a way that allows us to be part of and to contribute toward the larger body of Christ.
The Lord’s Prayer (Luganda)
Kitafe ali mu gulu, Erinyalyo litukuzibwe.
Obwakabakabwo buje.
Byoyagala babikole munsi, nga bwebabikola mu gulu.
Otuwe lero emere yafe eya lero.
Otusonyiwe okwonona kwafe, nga fe bwetubasonyiwa abatwonona.
Totutwala mu kukemebwa,
naye otulokole mu bubi.
Kubanga obwakabaka,
nobuinza, nekitibwa, bye bibyo,
emirembe nemirembe. Amina.