
Seniors in the Church

Physical Health: How Seniors Can Benefit from Church by Jason Lewis at –

When it comes to improving the health of the elderly, there are very few weekly activities that can rival the transformative act of attending church. It turns out that the benefits of attending church are multitudinous – and not all of them have to do with spirituality. There are plenty of non-religious reasons why attending church is beneficial to seniors, and how it can improve their health in tangible ways.

Naturally, the most obvious reason for going to church is to worship, to celebrate a tenet of your faith. But church, unlike many other group activities or communities, provides an incredible opportunity for seniors, especially those who are feeling depressed or lonely, and makes for a much more positive alternative than succumbing to unhealthy coping mechanisms, like substance abuse, for dealing with their problems. Here have a few other ways seniors can benefit from church: Community – Church is the number one place where the elderly find community. Without it, many seniors would face isolation and loneliness. Churches can offer seniors a fully-formed social network, 100 percent ready and willing to take them in and make them a part of the family.

“As indicated by religious support systems, churches often foster satisfying social networks among seniors. A study, published in the journal American Sociological Review, showed that 28 percent of individuals who attended a religious ceremony every week were ‘extremely satisfied’ with their lives, as opposed to the less than 20 percent of people who did not attend services. In addition to the benefit of elevated mood, seniors may also find that a religious community helps them make new friends and stay social after they move to a senior living community,” says Chelsea Jewish.

Isolation is a leading cause of depression – especially in the elderly. Depression is known to have major negative health effects, and can even lead to addiction. Being a part of a community and having a constant support system can help seniors stave off depression.

Watchful eyes – By joining a church community, you’re immediately introducing yourself to dozens and dozens of people who, as a main tenet of their faith, care about your well being. Having people to keep watchful eyes on seniors as they age is crucial. If a senior is beginning to decline – either cognitively or physical – it’s more likely to be caught early and addressed if they are among many peers. Having a church family helps to keep a constant check on the health of the elderly. And if something happens – an illness or an injury – it helps to have people who will aid in the recovery.

Forced mobility – Attending church has been shown to be solid exercise for the mind. Spirituality triggers brain activity that in turn serves to reduce stress and anxiety, regulate blood pressure, and more. Many of these positive health benefits are tied to religiosity and prayer.

For many seniors with disabilities, mobility is an issue. Some fall into the routine of simply making their way around the house, exerting themselves as little as possible. But church is a routine – a scheduled activity that gets seniors up and out of the house. This can do wonders not only for them physically, but mentally as well.

Whether they go to meet with friends, to enjoy the music, or to simply sit in contemplation – there are plenty of health-related reasons why seniors can benefit from attending church.

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