
Message from Coordinator of Grandma’s Pantry & Long-Time Parishioner Sue Burkart

This post was originally published in the November 13th, 2020 Christ Church E-Crier

This week's message is offered by long-time parishioner and coordinator of Grandma's Pantry, Sue Burkart.

Hi, I'm Sue Burkart and I've been a member of Christ Church for 17 years. I coordinate Grandma's Pantry, the food pantry for Waltham seniors on fixed incomes founded in 1991 by the late Luci Faramelli.

To quote Catholic religious writer, Mitch Finley: "In a Christian context, love isn't primarily a feeling. It's a choice to sacrifice oneself for the good of the other. In the context of community, in the context of marriage, in the context of family life,  there are opportunities ad infinitum to sacrifice. Doing it without whining about it is even better."

During the 8 months of this catastrophic pandemic, I have experienced the love and sacrifice that Christ Church parishioners have shown for the needy seniors in Waltham by showing up to provide food assistance in so many ways when it would have been so easy to stay safely at home. And there's definitely been no whining!

Some of the regular Pantry volunteers were unable to keep helping earlier this year, Jim and Theresa, because he had contracted the virus himself, and others because of underlying medical conditions. Luckily, Suzanne, John, and Greta were able to continue to help with some of outdoor distribution sessions. By God's grace, other church members stepped in from Spring through Fall to fill in the vacant staffing spots: Phil C., Liz, Pam, and Grace. All who helped made it possible - and fun - to continue our work, serving 35-40 seniors each session.

Many other church members pre-bagged food before each Pantry: Liz and her sons Jack and Finn, Pam, Paul, Grant and Max, Grace, Louise, Greta, and a new recent volunteer from Weston, Wendy, and her sons Peter and Ryan.

Others shopped for food June through October and/or regularly donated food or funds: Mary, Suzanne, Judi, Louise, Pam, MaryAnn, Michele and Peter, Andrea, and Norm.

Sally and Peter, who have shopped for the Pantry food these last three years, entered supermarkets during the early stages of the pandemic, March through May, putting themselves at increased risk.

Please forgive me if I've forgotten anyone.

This is such a difficult time we are going through with millions out of work, businesses struggling, thousands sick with the virus, many of us have probably been reaching out to donate to local and national organizations.

Because of not being able to open our doors during the pandemic, Christ Church has also been experiencing the hardship of decreased rental income, one of our main sources of funding. I ask you to look into your hearts as you decide your pledges for this coming year. Your generosity will sustain our beautiful, historic church and its dedicated staff. The strength of Christ Church lies in the deep commitment we have to our church and to each other. May God sustain us in that commitment so we can continue in our present outreach efforts -- Grandma's Pantry, Diaper Depot, Thanksgiving Baskets for the needy -- and in future efforts, and be a blessing to our community.

-Sue B.

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