Children’s Year at a Glance

First day of Sunday school: Typically the Sunday after labor day

First Sunday Children’s Service with choir
Children receive offering envelopes as needed as part of stewardship with a letter from the parish.

Older children help serve at the fieldstone fair
Pageant prep begins

Pageant: Typically the Thursday after Advent 3 or the Sunday of Advent 4.
At Christmas, homebound members receive a card from the parish with a photo of the pageant participants in costume.

Winter schedule released
Annual Meeting: the coordinator prepares a report for the annual meeting. Child care should be arranged.

Children’s service choir
Pancake supper and Lenten education program for all ages

Easter Season
Egg hunt: empty eggs are distributed to families to be filled and returned easter morning.
Confirmation is held during Easter season for adult and teens.
Easter homebound project: special Easter cards, candy, gifts, etc go to homebound members.

Help with Grandma’s Pantry food drive
June all encompassing children’s service with choir and end of the year festivities and BBQ.